Toronto Events in the Media

Article in Newsletter

Thrifty in the City article

ADHD on Jerry Agar Show – News Talk Radio

Maxi Mind October 15th Event, Thornhill

‘Coming of age’ for Canadian Jews: Jewish seminary set to open in Catholic institution

The Big Pitch Environmental Forum in Scarborough Mirror

Environmental Media Release on Canada Newswire, 2009

Women In Trades Forum at City Hall in Toronto, 2008

Newcomers Forum at City Hall in Toronto, Canada, 2007

Article on New Canadians, Toronto Jobs Newspaper, 2006 page4

New Canadians Forum Introductory Speech to introduce former City of Toronto Mayor – David Miller:

“We all live in a global quilt, where each member of society, can contribute their own patch of fabric, to the greater tapestry of their own community.”

Toronto Events in the Media Continued – The Family Law Forum was featured in the Canadian Jewish News and in the Jewish Tribune.


Family Law Act

Updates to the Family Law Act

Family Law Forum 2008 

Sponsored by B’nai Brith Canada and Garfin Zeidenberg LLP

Held at Glick Glickman Building – B’nai Brith Headquarters Toronto

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guest Speaker – Former Attorney General of Ontario – MPP – Chris Bentley

Topics Included:

Updates in Family Law 

Survival Strategies for Families Experiencing Divorce

Forensic Accounting Principles as they Related to Marriage
Presenters Included:

John Syrtash, LLB, Counsel to Garfin Zeidenberg LLP and acclaimed Family Law Lawyer &  Columnist

Dr. Graham Berman, Senior Psychiatrist & Child Custody / Access Assessor

David Colodny – Chartered Accountant – Forensic Fraud Examiner

Yvonne L. Bricks  – Stepfamily Foundation Certified Coach

Toronto Events in the Media

Conferences, Fairs Festivals, Events, Meetings, Trade Shows – Toronto