05 Feb Human Web page
Is the advent of a website really that unique? Or is it perhaps just a refined and highly technological expression of the human being. Every person is a walking, talking and thinking website – in a manner of speaking – a Human Web Page.
A website has main page or landing page, has various links, internal and to other related websites. A website is a part of network of websites. This interlocking and connectedness gives it a higher priority on Search Engines, than it would otherwise have on it is own. How is this phenomenon much different from the human condition. For “man does not exist as an individual, but rather as a part of his surrounding society” (Kaplan, p.23: Faces and Facets; 1996). Does this revelation perhaps gives credence to the structure of the interconnectedness that gives a website its presence and ranking on the Internet?
Being promoted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest and many other possible social media outlets does ensure the popularity of a website, which in turn effects its ranking. Likewise a person’s communication and relationships with others determines their popularity and their social value. A person may be promoted by the associations, clubs, fraternities and volunteer groups to which one is member. Membership in actual club or such similar, however requires a greater commitment in terms of time and responsibilities, than does being a member of a social media website. Sharing of articles online is one form of contributing to the global community, whereas sharing information directly with friends or colleagues requires finesse and presentation skills in addition to content.
How is a person known to others? A person is represented by words that are used to describe them and of course there are specific points of note for each unique individual. The words used to explain a person, perhaps as a general introduction to a stranger at first meeting, are there own descriptive factors. Likewise a website and its of its pages contains keywords, a description and a Meta Tag, which orders the keywords and description in a set format.
Moreover, there are features of person such as how they style their hair and how they wear their clothes. These are not much different from how a website display pictures to highlight its purpose and meaning. A website is recent version of expression for humans, yet its functioning processing on the Internet is not unlike the way a person functions in the world.